
The Design and Computation Arts programs have since their inception been at the forefront of sustainable development. Concordia University as an institution puts a strong emphasis on promoting sustainability in all its aspects, whether its local sustainable food from Café X, environmental awareness campaigns, or numerous sustainable art projects.

The Design and Computation Arts year-end exhibition is always a hallmark of sustainable event planning.

  • This year we plan on reducing the amount of materials used for the show, and using only recyclable materials.
  • We will use no glues or plastics; instead we will rely on alternative methods of assembly.
  • The exhibition will be a bottled water free zone.
  • For food we will rely on sustainable local venues that provide meals that are sustainable for the body and the environment. All food will be locally grown and purchased.
  • All materials will be compostable and both the Vernissage and the exhibition will be Zero Waste events.
  • All the projects constructed for the show went through a life cycle assessment to ensure all materials are sustainable and that the projects have a long life-cycle or can be re-used, or re-purposed after the show.
  • Since all projects were already created as program requirements, no extra materials were used to create projects for this expo.

Enjoy the show!