
Wrapt wouldn’t have been possible with our sponsors, grants, donors. All contributions made a significant difference and enhanced the experience of the exhibition.
From all the team, Thank you!

We would like to thanks our donors:

David Berman, Joanna Berzowska, Kathy DeBruyne, Alice Jarry, Justin Lee, Jason Lewis, Joan McDonald, Christopher Moore, Serge Pisapia, Martin Racine, Irit Shavit, Debra and Mark Thompson, Dominique Trudeau .

We would also to thank The Department of Theatre of Concordia and Centre for Digital Art for lending equipment.

Operating on the principle that the University is a dynamic, evolving community, the Concordia Council on Student Life shall hear and act upon social and educational issues affecting student life through recommendations to appropriate University bodies.
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The Department of Design and Computation Arts encompasses the areas of visual communication, the built environment, and interaction design, within the overarching principle of sustainability. Our curriculum addresses design in a holistic, experimental, and collaborative way and aim to find the links and relationships between these areas.
Within a state-of-the-art urban campus in the heart of Montreal, students participate in a collaborative, studio-based learning environment. Access to cutting edge technical and manufacturing facilities under the guidance of world-renowned faculty members provides students the freedom to develop expertise in a variety of interdisciplinary areas.
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The Design Art Student Association (DASA) is a student association at Concordia University which serves the interests of its Design students. As a Fine Art group, DASA is non-lucrative and organizes events as well as contests every year. We are the Design students’ voice. We have as a goal to help new and older students finding information about the university and its courses, advising them if needed. We organize events for students during the year such as contests, conferences and parties. The Design Art Student Association promotes sustainable design and wishes to improve students’ experience in Concordia. Our final and greatest goal is to build at Concordia University a strong and active Design community.
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As youth and global citizens, Concordia University undergraduate students are striving to ensure that our common future will be a prosperous one. We seek to better the ecological and social systems by allocating resources to sustainable development at Concordia, with the aspiration of our actions in Montreal resounding globally.
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Led by the Vice President, Advancement and Alumni Relations raises money for Concordia University, provides services and organizes events for alumni, students, donors and friends and builds relationships with the community.
Advancement and Alumni Relations collaborates with the Concordia University alumni association to offer alumni and students a rich and varied selection of benefits and services, social, educational and cultural events, such as Homecoming, class reunions, networking workshops, seminars.
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The Fine Arts Student Alliance is the society of Fine Arts students at Concordia. All students become members upon admittance to the Fine Arts faculty, and your fees are are collected in the form of a levy on your tuition. The benefits of this membership are many; we provide grants for small scale projects, facilitate the creation of student clubs, and provide funding for said clubs. We are interested in ideas that will improve the Fine Arts student experience; creative ideas, mundane but useful ideas, ideas in general.
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