Computers, projector, kinect, wall, sculptural objects (wire, velum, wood, paint), speakers, Arduino, wires. 5 x 5m
Computers, projector, kinect, wall, sculptural objects (wire, velum, wood, paint), speakers, Arduino, wires. 5 x 5m

CACTUS (Computation Arts Club)

Program: Computation Arts
Email: /
Portfolio: /


(Collaboration with Jason Hendrik, Pascal Champagne, Matt Fernandez, Ralph Nahkle, Nara Van Rossum, Mathieu Riendeau)

Computation Arts and Creative Technologies University Students (CACTUS) is a club focused on bringing together undergrad students to develop and create challenging collaborative projects. Our current project brings together students from various backgrounds, we are aiming to make reactive and inviting interactive spaces using sound, light, computer graphics and sensors.
