Touring Light Show for Fleece

by Jamie Lightfoot & Eric Morgan


The project is a responsive lights show for Montreal-based band Fleece to use on their upcoming 2018 summer tour and beyond. A combination of stage design, industrial design, and software design, Touring Light Show for Fleece aims to augment the bands’ live musical performances through dazzling visuals that respond to their music, while importantly being easy to setup, take down, and reconfigure.


The artists opted for an army of programmable LEDs. They allow to create an arrangement that is easier for transportation and setup because it can fit into a duffle bag. For the show itself, moving away from a simple screen helps achieve a more immersive spectacle by intertwining the band and the lights, allowing the visuals to mix more seamlessly with the music rather than just accompany it. The modularity of both the physical structure and the software allows for new experiences to be created every show, for both audience and performer alike.




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