My Story Is For Sale

by Anne-Marie Mulumba


The goal of this project is to open a discussion around the idea of selling oneself online for recognition, profit or just for attention. When it comes to Youtubers for example, they are usually pushed by their viewers to open up about their private lives. The more they show, the more they become popular and the more they can get sponsored and pay for their lifestyle.


On the side of the viewer, how do they feel when their favourite social media influencers use their personal lives or stories to make a living? Do they feel betrayed or do they feel like they can trust them as much?


I juxtaposed receipts, plane tickets, checks, and credit cards with a personal story. I want to understand the dynamic between what is said and what is seen.


When these influencers display their lives online, are they seen as trustworthy and are those moments honest in of themselves? Does this way of making a living affect the maker’s self-worth or authenticity?




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