Program: Graduate Certificate
My project’s final output will be a short experimental mixed-media video (produced in collaboration with indiefilmnet, 3Dfusion and Texas A&M University) wherein I will explore different types of space, its potential transfiguration and a way in which an artistic approach can embody a multifaceted 3D and 2D digitally-generated virtual space. I will create a digital remake of my own paintings, taking into account Painterly Laws and reconsidering the idea of 3D space and muilti-perespectivisme. Using as a starting point my own paintings executed in the realistic style, I will attempt to reconstruct the same mise-en-scene within a 3D CGI environment by the application of conventional realistic rendering and non-realistic multi-perspective cubist-style rendering techniques. Generating a series of digital images sequences through application of a subset of the Painterly Laws, I will use techniques such as virtual 3D reconstruction, auto-stereoscopic 3D display technology and virtual camera movements; all tools capable of revealing a new dimension in viewers’ perception. Determination a subset of the painterly laws implemented via the development of specific technical 3D techniques will allow the transformation a work of art executed in the realistic style into a recognizable example in a non-traditional mode; a realistic 2D Still-Life painting into a believable cubist work generated in digital 3D space.
As a final rendering I will present a digitally modeled 3D Object conceptually based on the previously described experimentation. In my research I will investigate in what ways the process of rendering in CGI and stereoscopic 3D image conversion might be similar to visual conceptualization in traditional painting. What kind of new aesthetics or even art forms might appear due to the availability of Stereoscopic 3D Technologies.