Program: Graduate Certificate
Project(s): SAY WHAT
Email: scfriedlander(at)gmail(dot)com
I like to think inside the box.
As a designer, I’m drawn to projects with immovable constraints. These types of limitations push me to problem-solve and think more innovatively. Costume design’s box is the shape of the human body.
It was my desire to test the limits of a medium and challenge the necessary function of a garment that drew me to costume design initially. Now, my practice is undeniably linked to the human form. I’m constantly inspired by the way clothing embraces the restrictions of the body and transforms into living, breathing sculpture when it is worn.
I’ve chosen to explore the varied and powerful voice of costume, since each of us expresses vol- umes through our clothing each day, whether we want to or not. Concordia’s Graduate Certificate program has fostered my fascination with the communicative nature of clothing, and my work reflects this passion in a series of explorations that delve into the depth of possible expression through dress.