DART 448 - Carmela Cucuzzella Black steel wire 7 x 8”


Program: Design
Project(s): DIM-SUM
Email: sacha_moussa(at)hotmail(dot)com


As a visionary, I consider myself in the right path to be becoming a designer. One must define themselves as an individual as well as figuring out their purpose before they can identify themselves as a “designer”. I, like the rest of you, see things from a different perspective when it comes to design. I plan on stimulating individual experiences by being effective as well as selective in what is sustainable, by innovating our surroundings and by using the knowledge that has been acquired over the years. By investigating the needs and desires of consumer society, I shall use this information, as a tool to reinvent what was, what is and what will become. As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility.
