Ricky Cheng

My name is Ricky Cheng, and I am into 3D object design. Since the second year of my studies at Concordia University, my work has involved the creation of space efficient furniture that can be used effectively in a limited space. In the past, I have created multi-functional children's furniture that incorporates an extended life cycle as well. A prominent feature in my work is the development of many possibilities in forms and potential functions to prolong useful life. When I work with recycled material, I am reminded that everything has its own value in both the ways it is used and reused. Often times I utilize elements from action figures and model toys. In other words, having fun and enjoying every moment during the design process are the major elements of importance to me. When things are going well, I am filled with a sense of curiosity, and sometimes feel the colour yellow suggests notions of freshness. I would like to design more furniture and tools for elders that will improve their quality of life following the completion of my degree. This is to say, I see design as a way to communicate to people that you are considering their needs. By the way, trying is the first step towards failure, but failure teaches success. I refuse to accept that there is no solution to any problem. rickycheng_98@yahoo.com

Transformable Children's Chair/Step >> 2007
Collaboration >> Simon Wong >>
This chair is made in a CNC milling machine for children aged between 1 and 4 years old and can also be used as a step in order to extend its useful life.

Russian plywood. 15" x 12" x 22" (chair), 12" x 12" x 16" (step), 9" (seat height)
Dart 447 3D Design Technologies >> Martin Racine