Ali Gutiérrez

My name is Alina Gutierrez M, and I am into creating projects that awaken feelings. Since hearing about Issey Miyake, my work has involved the creation of projects with an influence on textiles, surfaces and colours. In the past, I have created objects with mechanisms and have done some web design as well. A prominent feature in my work is strong colour contrast, as well as handcraft integration with objects and graphics. When I work with handcrafts, I am reminded that they give a personal touch and special meaning to the work that technology could not provide. Often times I utilize elements from my culture and ancestors. In other words, my culture is a great influence in my work with respect to colours and shapes that have important design potential for my projects. When things are going well, I am filled with a sense of satisfaction, plentitude and indescribable ecstasy, and sometimes feel the colour turquoise suggests notions of equilibrated feelings. I would like to create my own line of elements involving 3D and graphic work following the completion of my degree. This is to say, I'd like to keep working and experimenting with new materials and techniques. With these, my aim is to create a line of artifacts demonstrating design as a complete process, where graphics and objects can be applied together in one final artifact.

Vice-Versa >> 2007
The project is a series of multifunctional objects for use as both accessories and clothing. The graphic component is based on different Colombian and Pro-Columbian cultural facts, a history full of rich shapes, myths and meanings.

Fabric, tints and sewed experimental materials.
DART 392 Independent Study >> PK Langshaw