Jenny Gambino

My name is Jenny Gambino, and I am into photography and graphic design. Since learning more about blending the two together, my work has involved the creation of contemporary multimedia works that comprise global issues, fashion and photography. In the past, I have studied Communications: Art, Media and Theatre, and was instantly drawn to digital design as well. A prominent feature in my work is colour. When I work with a blank page, I am reminded that a splash of colour is all I need. Often times I utilize elements from found photographs and fabrics. In other words, I enjoy manipulating objects that already exist. When things are going well, I am filled with a sense of composure and sometimes feel the colour fuchsia suggests notions of youth and stability. I would like to create work that integrates photography and graphic design following the completion of my degree. This is to say, I plan to express my work through commercial fashion. By the way, I can't wait to colour up the world.

Economical Dinner Book >> 2007
A tactile book made with fabric to represent the poem 'Economical Dinner', by Futurist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Each page of this book can be cut out and stitched together to make a quilt.

Fabric, iron-on transfers. 6" x 6" x 2"
DART 331 Words in Space >>
Jennifer De Freitas